.. _new-release: Building a new release of odltools ================================== .. note:: An experimental Makefile option is available. Use the below commands to complete all the steps listed later in this document. The make release target will create a branch , tag, build and push the pypi package to pypi. The user should run the tox tests against the current branch before calling the make target. :: make release make release TAG=0.1.19 BRANCH=rel #. Update the Version :: vi odltools/__init__.py git add odltools/__init__.py git commit -s -m "release x.y.z" git tags -m "release x.y.z" -a x.y.z #. Run the Tests :: tox (or detox) #. Release on PyPi :: python setup.py check python setup.py clean python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel upload .. note:: The above commands assume a .pypirc like below will be used :: [distutils] index-servers = pypi testpypi [pypi] username = cooldude password = coolpw [testpypi] repository: https://test.pypi.org/legacy/ username = cooldude password = coolpw #. Test the PyPi Install :: mkvirtualenv tmptest pip install odltools python -m odltools -V deactivate rmvirtualenv tmptest #. Push the Code :: git push origin HEAD:refs/for/master git push origin x.y.z #. Verify All is Good in the World Check the `PyPi odltools page `_, README, release notes, etc.